What about his modest proposal?
A response to Mr. Pfost's recent writing
Dear Mr, Pfost,
First, I would like to congratulate you on your progressive thinking. For too long we as Christians have simply uttered such inane and outdated phrases as ‘Abortion is murder” or “God is pro-life” or whatever other cheeky response we can come up with when faced with the hard decisions of our reproductive responsibilities without truly examining both sides of the issue. We all know that it is just not that easy.
You have said that abortion is a sure way to fill heaven and advance the kingdom of God. However, I must kindly and humbly disagree. Anyone who uses their mind at all can easily see that the Bible teaches that all infants are damned to Hell. After all, Paul clearly states in Romans 5 that “death spread to all men” because of Adam’s sin (v. 12) and all men are condemned because of that same sin (v. 18).
Now, some may try to say, as you have done, that God actually sends these babies to Heaven. I ask, where is the biblical evidence for this assertion? It is at this point that your people may point to passages such as Revelation 20:12 and 2 Corinthians 5:10. They will try to argue that, while Adam’s sin has created in us a sin-nature that precludes our coming to God on our own, we are not judged based on that sin. Instead, they would say, we are judged and condemned based on our own sins, which we commit in the body.
How can one argue with these people? They are obviously giving in to mere human sentimentality and ignoring the clear teachings of Scripture. When you tear down these proof-texts of theirs, they will flee to yet more context-less verses.
They will say that David proclaimed that he would go to be with his dead infant son after his own death (2 Samuel 12:23). “How can this be if babies go to Hell? Surely David, a man after God’s own heart, did not go to Hell too,” they will assert. Shall we then give in to this argument? No! We must continue to strive for the truth.
They will answer, “What about the nation of Israel wandering in the wilderness? Did not God say that the children of Israel would be allowed to enter the promised land because they ‘have no knowledge of good or evil’ (Deuteronomy 1:39)? Why would God punish infants today, who have no more knowledge of good or evil than did those children, for their sins when he allowed these to go unpunished?”
They may even appeal to our precious Westminster Confession. “Elect infants, dying in infancy, are regenerated and saved by Christ through the Spirit, who worketh when, and where, and how he pleaseth” (12.3). How can some infants be saved if the only way to salvation is by believing in Christ’s death and resurrection, as is clearly seen in the Scriptures? The answer, I belive, is quite evident.
I am sorry if my words are too harsh toward your position. I believe that those, like you, who believe that God can save infants who are obviously damned for Adam’s sin and do not have the ability to make a conscious decision to come to Christ give Him far too much freedom in salvation. As God’s holy Word clearly teaches that all men are born sinners, and the only way to salvation is through Christ, it is impossible for these infants to be saved. They lack the necessary knowledge of their sins and the knowledge of what Christ has done for sinners at the cross.
Again, I pray that you will accept my apologies for my harshness and the possibility that I have misrepresented your position. I look forward to the day when we will have no need to debate these issues that divide us, when we enter the kingdom of God as the children to whom it belongs (Mark 10:14).
Your humble brother in Christ,
Matthew Newman
Thanks for a thought provoking post. I'm actually in the process of working through this concept myself and I am leaning towards the same conclusion. This is a very emotional "doctrine," as I'm sure you'd agree, so I would be in step with you if I said we need to be very careful how we treat infant "salvation," since there doesn't seem to be any clear affirmation of it at all.
I read an article last year from Dr. Mohler on this very issue, specifically in regard to the tsunami... I also felt a little uncertain about his conclusions, but here it is for your own viewing pleasure:
"Anyone who uses their mind at all can easily see that the Bible teaches that all infants are damned to Hell."
This may be the worst thesis statement I have ever read. You have just labeled men like Dr. Mohler, John MacArthur, Danny Akin, and the Westminster divines as those who don't use their mind at all.
Maybe you were trying to be inflammatory. But I don't see the wisdom in treating such an emotional topic with such sarcasm, explosive language, and lack of compassion. I also find your "apology" somewhat disingenuous: "I pray that you will accept my apologies for my harshness." You put this at the end of a post before you even published it. If you really thought you might be being harsh, why didn't you revise your post? Certainly harshness is not a fruit of the Spirit, or a characteristic of a humble teacher or corrector.
You strike me as someone who has never been touched by the tragedy of an infant's death. Am I right? I have just prayed for you that you never will be touched by such loss. I would encourage you to think through the way you deal with topics like this that will impact the lives of those you minister to. It is commendable to speak the truth, but if we do not speak it in love we have sinned and can do damage to broken and hurting hearts.
Now to your argument. You've made it clear you don't think actual dialogue and discussion is valuable on this issue: "How can one argue with these people? They are obviously giving in to mere human sentimentality and ignoring the clear teachings of Scripture. When you tear down these proof-texts of theirs, they will flee to yet more context-less verses."
Since I believe that the unborn and infants are included with the elect, I know you believe I am a non-thinking, sentimental, proof-texter. But I would encourage you to think through your certainty on this issue. You have clearly proof-texted Romans 5, and have dismissed rather than dealt with the arguments presented by men like Mohler, Akin, Spurgeon, Hodge, and MacArthur.
Romans 5 is not dealing directly with the issue of infants or the unborn who have died. In fact there is no didactic passage in the Bible that does. Therefore, we must come to our conclusion on the topic through implicit teachings and secondary applications. You have done this in the way you deal with Romans 5 and made it the final word that precludes your looking at Rev. 20, 2 Cor 5, or other passages with an open mind that they may have implications for babies that die. You have failed to deal with the fact that Scripture consistently describes the final judgment being based on sins the people consciously committed. You have also not dealt with God's proclamation of babies in OT as innocent.
It is not unthinking, or merely emotional to believe God graciously removes the stain of original sin by including infants in the atonement of Christ. It is a belief that is built on looking at all of Scriptural teaching on the subject. The majority position does not ignore Romans 5, but it does not stop there, and ignore the rest of the Bible either. Here is Mohler and Akin's original article on the subject: http://www.sbts.edu/mohler/FidelitasRead.php?article=fidel036
Thank you for your time.
i certainly appreciate your measured response. its nice to not be yelled at.
of course, i didn't believe a word i was saying, so i guess you kinda missed the point.
still, good points.
"To damn an infant to hell is an act of Satan. Not an act of God."
Wrong. If God were to damn an infant to hell, He would be just in doing so. We are all, including infants (born or unborn), sinners and deserve hell. If God saves any infant dying in infancy (whether some or all), it is an act of mercy and grace toward that infant, and it is through the merits of the crucified and risen Christ.
Be careful brother with the force of your comments and dogmatism. I think you are probably wrong,, and that is with much study and investment in Romans 5,and the Scriptures in general. Even if you are right, understand also, how the force of your language sounds to mothers and fathers who have lost their children, in miscarriage or as infants. I know you feel convicted about this from Romas 5 and others, and this is good to have a conviction, but the force of your language, when you say "anyone who uses their mind at all can easily see that the Bible teaches that all infants are damned to Hell" - this is an uncareful statement.
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