
Thursday, June 22, 2006

Barry J. Maxwell tells it

The man who played a huge part in my actually beginning to take my faith seriously, way back in my junior year of college, has posted something that I think many young people who are zealous for seeing God's glory and sovereignty upheld need to read.

There are matters of faith that demand a death grip. In Paul’s words, there are matters of food and there are matters of confession. However, holding certain convictions does not mean we kick off intruders while dangling from the top rung. Rather, we hold ever so tightly (or are held ever so tightly?) with one hand while offering our other hand to help God’s people to the next step.

Young, Reformed, inexperienced pastors (like myself) emerge from a renewed interest in historical and experiential theology. They charge off the line, sprinting to first place, flaunting their ability, and arrogantly leaving congregations in a wake of confusion. Their legacy is how strong they held their convictions rather than how gracious and patient God is with sinners.

The rest of his article can be read here. It's an older post, but I just got my computer back after not having it for 6 weeks, so I haven't been keeping up.


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